The Future Of Work

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In May, over 150 UFCW 21 retail members and non-union workers convened the first Future of Retail forum, both in person and by video to connect people in Mt. Vernon, Silverdale, and Seattle. The goals for this event were to:

  • Better understand industry trends and what the employers’ vision for the future of retail looks like.

  • Draw on our expertise as workers to develop a collective vision for the future of retail and strategies for making that vision a reality.

  • Overcome divisions that weaken us (union vs. non-union, store-based vs. app-based, etc.) and find solutions that raise standards for ALL workers.

Turnout exceeded expectations and it became clear that we need to host more events and take action in coalition with union members, community members, non-union workers and our customers.


In June, over 30 members on our Health care Advisory Board met to discuss the future of work in Health care and have deep conversations about the trends we see in our worksites and industry. We discussed the corporatization of health care, the sharp increase in mergers and acquisitions, new changes in technology, and the shifting of care to de-regulated outpatient settings. Whether we work in big health care systems, rural community hospitals, or clinic systems, we agreed our voices are vital in advocating and shaping how staffing, safety, and the type of care we give impacts our patients and community. Member leaders also helped host a statewide town hall call the following day. By sharing our stories on the call, we were able to begin a critical conversation on how we can collectively shape the future of our workplaces.

Both meetings have started exciting conversations within our membership on the Future of Work, regardless of what industry we work in. If you have important insights to share and/or would like to join us in taking control of our future at work, contact your Union Rep.