Olympic Medical Center (ProTech and Support Services) - WORKING FOR BETTER WAGES

Olympic Medical Center (ProTech and Support Services)

We had a productive day of bargaining on September 14 and continue to stay focused on compensation. Our Bargaining Team told Management what it’s going to take to keep the hospital sustainable. The hospital must pay competitive wages and premiums to retain and recruit workers.

Management said that they are offering “competitive” wages based on their research. Our Bargaining Team continues to challenge them on this. We have reviewed local wages and know that many workplaces have recently settled contracts or given market increases. Wages are constantly changing and our data shows this.

Darryl Wolfe dropped into our bargaining session and talked about the economic state of the hospital. Our Bargaining Team was very clear with him that workers are being stretched and competitive compensation is essential to the hospital’s success. Each member of the team spoke directly to Darryl, giving him examples of how wage disparities directly affect workers and patient care.

We are scheduling additional bargaining sessions and will keep you posted.

Wear a sticker to show Management that we stand in solidarity!
Stickers are available from Bargaining Team Members.

Petitions are being circulated for both Support Services and Pro Tech workers letting Management know we all stand together for a good contract. Ask a Bargaining Team member or Union Rep Aimee Oien 360-662-1981.