Macy's - Bargaining dates scheduled

Bargaining Dates Scheduled

Our Union Bargaining Team met with Management last on March 23, more than an entire month ago. We tried to work with the Employer to get dates in April, but they were not quick to respond to our proposed dates until it was too late. Now that we finally have confirmed four bargaining sessions in the month of May with more scheduled in June.

Workers have been ramping up the pressure in the meantime by wearing our “Respect, Protect, Pay” buttons while at work. Wearing your button has shown both customers and Management that we deserve a fair union contract, and this is just the beginning!

Learn more about what you can do to win a fair contract by attending your Contract Action Team Meeting next week:

Alderwood: Wednesday, May 10 @ 3PM—4PM
Elemental Pizza, 3000 184th St SW #948, Lynnwood, WA

Southcenter: Tuesday May 9 @ 11AM – 2PM
Southcenter Mall Food Court, 2800 Southcenter Mall, Seattle, WA