Kraken Retail First Contract Bargaining Begins!

First Contract Bargaining Begins!

What an amazing year for the for Kraken retail workers, first we won a union and are going to be fighting for our first contract, and now the Kraken are making a strong playoffs push!

Our Union is going to begin bargaining in June and we want to hit the ice with you all knowing what’s going on. Since it’s been a few weeks since our Union won recognition with the Kraken, here is an update about next steps. Our Union Bargaining Team, will meet together to finalize our first proposals before the first bargaining session with Management. As bargaining moves along in June and July, we will be sending regular updates about the bargaining progress and answering questions along the way.

Union Bargaining Survey

This is our Union and your voice matters in how strong the first contract can be. If you have not yet completed the Union Bargaining Survey take a few minutes to fill out to tell our Bargaining Team what’s most important to you in a first contract – the things you want improved on and the things you want solidified.

Join us for Bargaining 101 & Know Your Rights Training

Our Union is holding a Know Your Rights and Bargaining 101 session online on Tuesday, May 16 at 5pm. Where we will walk through the rights you already have as Union members and the typical contract bargaining process.

May 16, 2023 @ 5:00PM via Zoom Meeting