Meet the 2022 Grocery Store Workers Negotiations Team: Wil Peterson

Wil Peterson, UFCW 3000 grocery bargaining team member, is pictured. Wil is looking off camera while crossing his arms; he is standing in front of a Fred Meyer sign, which is out of focus. In the bottom right corner is the contract campaign button.

Wil Peterson, Fred Meyer CCK and UFCW 3000 Grocery Negotiations Team Member — Photo by KEVIN CLARK, THE Everett Herald

As we negotiate the 2022 Grocery Store Workers contract with the employers, let’s get to know your fellow grocery store workers who are part of our member-led bargaining team!

Wil Peterson started working at Fred Meyer in August of 2003 — first in the Home department and later transitioning into the Central Checkout (CCK) department. In his words:

“My favorite part of the job is interacting with customers and my colleagues. Over the years, I've formed tight bonds with many longtime shoppers. I've seen their children transition from infants to young adults, and I've provided moral support to these regulars during numerous challenges and triumphs. The same applies to my coworkers, many of whom feel like virtual-family members. We toil ‘in the trenches’ under often-difficult conditions, so a strong support network is important, now more than ever.”

Wil got involved with the union when, some years into his time at Fred Meyer, he successfully fought an unwarranted suspension with the help of his Rep. Since then, Wil has become more and more involved as a leader in his workplace and in the union. Wil joined the bargaining committee in 2019 and says that he learned many hard lessons about how to stand up to employers when they make insulting offers and about the importance of solidarity.

“We need higher, more-equitable pay for all workers, consistently safe workplace conditions, and opportunities for improved work-life balance. I hope that employers will finally recognize how essential their workforce is and compensate us accordingly. It shouldn't take a pandemic to underscore the vital role that we constantly play in our respective communities.”