Grocery Store Worker Contract Negotiations Update: First Day of contract negotiations concludes

First Day of contract negotiations concludes

Today was the first day our union member negotiating team met with the Employer’s representatives. During contract negotiations each side will make proposals, and in the end, members will have a chance to vote on the final agreement. Over the past year we have been preparing to win a better contract by holding monthly Contract Action Team meetings, signing strike pledge cards committing to do whatever it takes to win a fair contract—including going on strike—and participating in trainings to learn more about our rights. Our member negotiations team is focusing on our top priorities:

  • Win higher wages, especially at the top of our pay scales

  • Create more equity in pay between departments

  • Protect our high-quality, low-cost health care plan

  • Keep our pension funded and secure

  • Improve store safety and training

  • Improve recruitment and retention so we have the proper staff to help us get the work done

“We have shared our priorities with the employer about wage increases, equity, and safety, we know that many of the Employers have made record profits during some of the most hazardous few years for workers. Now it is time for them to invest in their workers and the communities they serve.” — Kyong Barry, Albertsons & Suzi Geffre, Fred Meyer

We know that when we stand together and hold strong we can win. In 2019, successful contract negotiations resulted in the largest wage increases in our union’s history, improved safety language, stronger scheduling language, new workforce development and training language, maintained our health care benefits with no increase in costs, and perhaps the biggest win of all: secured and improved our retirement pension. We need to build on that success to build equity and prosperity for workers.

“The revolving door is swinging off its hinges. The sets of challenges essential workers face are changing rapidly. A fair contract would go a long way in repairing a torn social contract. A fair contract would give workers back a sense of pride in our work.” — Enrique Romero, Bellingham Fred Meyer

UFCW 3000 and Teamsters 38 members are preparing for informational pickets scheduled for April 26, and signing up for picket captain trainings Members are also taking action leafleting customers in front of our stores and asking them to support workers in our negotiations. If you would like to organize an action at your store, contact your Union Rep.

RSVP for an informational picket April 26 at RSVP at:

Make sure your personal contact information is up-to date:

Sign up for a Picket Captain Training Sign up at:

Our union negotiations team: 

Ames Reinhold, Metropolitan Market 

Amy Dayley Angell, QFC 

Aaron Streepy, Attorney 

Cliff Powers, Safeway 

Caprii Nakihei, Safeway 

Cosmo Villini, Safeway 

Eric Renner. UFCW 3000 

Enrique Romero, Fred Meyer 

Suzi Geffre, Fred Meyer 

Faye Guenther, UFCW 3000 President 

Jeff Smith, Fred Meyer 

J’Nee DeLancey, Town & Country 

Joanna Clapham, Fred Meyer 

Joe Mizrahi, UFCW 3000 Secretary Treasurer 

Kevin Flynn, Albertsons 

Kyong Barry, Albertsons 

Maggie Breshears, Fred Meyer 

Naomi Oligario, Safeway 

Roger Yanez, QFC 

Sam Dancy, QFC 

Sam Kantak, Teamsters 38 Secretary Treasurer 

Shawn Hayenga, Metropolitan Market 

Tammi Brady, Teamsters 38 President 

Wil Peterson, Fred Meyer