St. Anne Hospital Pro-Tech - Bargaining Begins

2020 0612 - St. Anne Update.jpg

“We are working together to fight for a fair contract that benefits both our members and the community.”

Our Bargaining Team

Your Bargaining Team met with Management for the first time on June 10. After reviewing your bargaining surveys, looking at opportunities for contract improvements, and discussing the hazards we face with COVID-19, the team submitted our first proposal to Management. 

Our initial proposal included a stronger safety committee, new mandatory overtime language, fair overtime for ALL members, reimbursements for license/certification renewal, and successorship language that would protect our contract through future mergers or acquisitions

The team is currently working on an economic proposal, which will include market competitive increases, that we hope to present within the next few bargaining sessions. We return to the bargaining table next Wednesday, June 17.

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