Harrison Service & Dietary - Fighting for a Fair Contract

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We met with Management on May 19 and made progress on outstanding issues such as ensuring new hires receive adequate training, addressing harassment in the workplace, and reassurances that our contract will withstand any future mergers. 

We remain apart on wages and are still fighting for wage increases that will both retain workers and attract new hires by having increases in every year of our contract. We are committed to fighting for a fair contract that invests in our future and ensures that wages at Harrison Medical Center are competitive with other employers in the region, that we have reliable costs for our healthcare and are treated with dignity and respect at work. 

If you have any questions, please contact your Union Rep Ryan Degouveia @ 360-662-1989.

“We, the essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, deserve a fair contract with wage increases that invest in our future.”

Harrison Service & Dietary Bargaining Team