Conifer - Conifer St. Elizabeth and St. Joe’s Are United For a Fair Contract!

2020 0423 - Conifer Update.jpg

After months of pushing Conifer for bargaining dates for our St. Joseph members, we are happy to announce that dates have been secured! Your team at St. Elizabeth has been hard at work fighting for a fair contract that addresses our priorities and we are committed to joining together to support each other in this fight! 

Please join us on Monday April 27th from 5:30PM - 6:30PM to hear from your Bargaining Team about what is going on at the table and how we can work together to win on the issues that matter the most to us all! 


Next Bargaining Dates:

St. Elizabeth- 4/29-5/1 & 5/19

St. Joseph- 5/20-5/21 & 5/27-5/29