Superior Linen Bargaining Update

Sus centavos no tienen sentido.

Compañeros en los últimos días nos juntamos con la compañía con la gran decepción de que nos ofrecieron centavos de aumentos. Nosotros propusimos de buena fe aumentos razonables que reconocen la lealtad de empleados que han trabajado muchos años en esta compañía y también un aumento que incluiría a todos.

Nos sentimos muy frustrados y descontentos con la compañía a la cual le hemos trabajado duro. Estamos en un momento crucial, donde tenemos que unirnos más que nunca para poder lograr salarios dignos y justos. Ya no estamos en la época donde unos centavos de aumento hacían una diferencia en nuestros bolsillos, porque ahora unos centavos no alcanzan ni para comprar un huevo. Estos días estaremos demostrando nuestra unidad usando botones y tomando acción el día primero de Mayo.

Their cents don’t make sense.

Siblings, we have met with the company in the last couple of days, and we are very disappointed that they have offered us cents to the dollar. We came to them in good faith with a reasonable wage proposal that recognizes the loyalty of long-term employees while also raising the wages for everyone across the board.

We feel very frustrated and unhappy with the company that we have worked very hard for. We are in a crucial moment in which we must be more united than ever to achieve fair and dignified wages. We are not in an era in which a few cents of wage increases would make a difference in our pockets; cents nowadays are not enough to even buy an egg. On the upcoming days, we will show our unity by wearing our buttons and taking action on May Day.

Xen của họ không có ý nghĩa gì hết

Anh chị em, chúng ta đã gặp gỡ công ty trong vài ngày gần đây, và chúng tôi rất thất vọng khi họ chỉ đề xuất cho chúng ta một số xen nhỏ so với số tiền cần thiết. Chúng tôi đã đến với họ với lòng tin tốt đẹp, đề xuất một mức lương hợp lý nhận ra sự trung thành của nhân viên làm việc lâu dài và đồng thời tăng lương cho tất cả mọi người.

Chúng tôi cảm thấy rất thất vọng và không hạnh phúc với công ty mà chúng tôi đã làm việc rất chăm chỉ. Chúng ta đang ở trong một thời điểm quan trọng khi chúng ta phải đoàn kết hơn bao giờ hết để đạt được mức lương công bằng và đáng kính. Chúng ta không ở trong một thời đại mà một vài xen lương tăng sẽ làm thay đổi trong túi của chúng ta; hiện nay, một vài xen không đủ để mua một quả trứng. Trong những ngày sắp tới, chúng tôi sẽ thể hiện sự đoàn kết bằng cách mặc nút áo và tham gia hành động vào Ngày Quốc tế Lao động.

“Me siento muy decepcionada porque no es justo lo que nos están ofreciendo. I feel very disappointed because it is not fair what they are offering us. Tôi cảm thấy rất thất vọng vì những gì họ đang đề xuất cho chúng ta không công bằng.” — Martha Moreno, Dry-Fold, 11 years, union bargaining team

“Es una miseria lo que nos están ofreciendo, no estamos pidiendo limosnas estamos trabajando. It is a misery what they are offering us, we are not beggars we are working for our money. Điều họ đang đề xuất cho chúng ta là một bi kịch, chúng ta không phải là kẻ ăn xin mà là người lao động kiếm sống.” — José Domingo, Wash-room, 24 years, union bargaining team

“Siento que valemos mas que unos centavos de aumento, trabajamos muy duro y le somos leales a la compañía. We are worth more than a few cents because we are hardworking and loyal to this company. Chúng ta xứng đáng hơn chỉ là một vài xen vì chúng ta là người làm việc chăm chỉ và trung thành với công ty này.”— Busaba “Apple” Bass, Soil, 8 years, union bargaining team

Service Linen - Fair Wages For Everything We Do

Service Linen
Fair Wages For Everything We Do

Our Union Bargaining Team met last week with Service Linen Management, during which we discussed improving our contract with more holidays, wages, vacation time, and immigrant worker protection language. There is a big gap between what we need to feel valued and appreciated as employees at Service Linen and what Management believes we deserve.

Management must understand laudably and clearly that we need more pay and benefits and that every person who works at Service Linen expects more from the company. We are ready to hear back from them on April 9. We are ready to make our voices heard! Wear your buttons, “More Pay!”

“We need to be strong and support each other, we cannot let our guard down now. We need to stay united, until we win. We all deserve a raise, we work too hard! ­—Godofredo Santos Cordova, Bargaining Team, Soil Department

“Your support, participation, and being informed about what is happening at the table are key to winning better wages and benefits. Keep wearing your buttons -we want more pay!” —Maria Miroy, Bargaining Team Member, Garment Department

“Our goal is to get good wages for all, vacation, healthcare, and fair treatment. The only way we can make it happen is together, all departments from washers to garments, soil and housekeeping. Even when we speak many languages and come from different backgrounds, we heard what you need, we need our employer to listen too. We all work very hard and need more pay to live with dignity during this time when everything is too expensive.” —Asha Hirsi, Bargaining Team Member, Housekeeping Department

Sueldos justos por todo lo que hacemos

Nuestro equipo se reunió la semana pasada con la gerencia de Service Linen, durante la cual discutimos cómo mejorar nuestro contrato con más días festivos, salarios, tiempo de vacaciones y lenguaje de protección de los trabajadores inmigrantes. Existe una gran brecha entre lo que necesitamos para sentirnos valorados y apreciados como empleados de Service Linen y lo que la gerencia cree que merecemos.

La gerencia debe comprender de manera loable y clara que necesitamos más salarios y beneficios y que cada persona que trabaja en Service Linen espera más de la empresa. Estamos listos para recibir noticias suyas el 9 de abril. ¡Estamos listos para hacer oír nuestra voz! ¡Usa tus botones, “más pago!”

“Necesitamos estar fuertes y apoyarnos entre nosotros, no podemos bajar la guardia. Tenemos que estar unidos, hasta la victoria. Nos merecemos un aumento de sueldo, trabajamos demasiado duro! —Godofredo Santos Cordova, Equipo negociador, Departamento de Textiles sucios

Su apoyo, participación y mantenerse informados de lo que sucede en la mesa de negociaciones es clave para ganar mejores sueldos y beneficios. Siga poniéndose sus botones- queremos mas pago! —Maria Miroy, Equipo negociador, Departamento de textiles

“Nuestra meta es obtener buenos sueldos para todos, vacaciones, seguro medico, y trato justo. La única manera que podemos lograrlo es juntos, todos los departamentos desde los que lavan, cuelgan, sortean, reciben la ropa sucia, y los que limpiamos. Aunque hablamos varios idiomas y venimos de diferentes lugares, escuchamos lo que todos necesitan, y ahora necesitamos que nuestro empleador nos escuche también. Todos trabajamos duro y ocupamos mas pago para vivir con dignidad durante esta época que todo esta carísimo.” —Asha Hirsi, Equipo negociador, Departamento de Limpieza

Lương công bằng cho mọi công việc chúng ta làm

Nhóm đàm phán của Liên đoàn chúng tôi đã gặp ban quản lý của Service Linen vào tuần trước, trong đó chúng tôi đã thảo luận về việc cải thiện hợp đồng của chúng tôi với nhiều ngày lễ hơn, mức lương cao hơn, thời gian nghỉ phép và ngôn ngữ bảo vệ công nhân nhập cư. Có một khoảng cách lớn giữa những gì chúng tôi cần để cảm thấy được đánh giá và đánh giá cao như những nhân viên tại Service Linen và những gì ban quản lý tin rằng chúng tôi xứng đáng.

Ban quản lý phải hiểu rõ rằng chúng tôi cần được trả lương và phúc lợi cao hơn và mỗi người làm việc tại Service Linen đều mong đợi nhiều hơn từ công ty. Chúng tôi sẵn sàng chờ đợi phản hồi từ họ vào ngày 9 tháng 4. Chúng tôi sẵn sàng để tiếng nói của chúng tôi được nghe! Hãy đeo nút, "Lương cao hơn nữa!"

“Chúng ta cần phải mạnh mẽ và hỗ trợ lẫn nhau, chúng ta không thể để lơ là bây giờ. Chúng ta cần phải đoàn kết, cho đến khi chiến thắng. Tất cả chúng ta đều xứng đáng được tăng lương, chúng ta làm việc quá chăm chỉ!” —Godofredo Santos Cordova, Nhóm đàm phán, Bộ Đất đai

“Sự ủng hộ, sự tham gia và việc được thông tin về những gì đang diễn ra tại bàn đàm phán là chìa khóa để chiến thắng mức lương và phúc lợi tốt hơn. Hãy tiếp tục đeo nút - chúng tôi muốn lương cao hơn!” —Maria Miroy, Nhóm đàm phán, Bộ May mặc

“Mục tiêu của chúng tôi là để đạt được mức lương tốt cho tất cả mọi người, kỳ nghỉ, chăm sóc sức khỏe và được đối xử công bằng. Cách duy nhất chúng ta có thể làm điều đó là cùng nhau, tất cả các phòng ban từ nhân viên giặt đến nhân viên làm quần áo, vệ sinh và nhân viên dọn dẹp. Ngay cả khi chúng ta nói nhiều ngôn ngữ và đến từ các nền văn hóa khác nhau, chúng tôi đã nghe được những gì bạn cần, chúng tôi cũng cần nhà tuyển dụng của chúng tôi lắng nghe. Chúng ta đều làm việc rất chăm chỉ và cần được trả lương cao hơn để sống một cuộc sống đáng sống trong thời điểm mà mọi thứ quá đắt đỏ." —Asha Hirsi, Nhóm đàm phán, Bộ Dọn dẹp và Bảo trì

Progress made in ‘23 – Building for more in ‘24

Progress made in ‘23 – Building for more in ‘24

Our union came into 2023 with some great successes, like winning a "best in a generation" contract for 25,000 Western Washington grocery store workers, but we also faced some huge challenges. Health care workers continued to be crushed by severe staffing shortages at hospitals that threatened both patient and caregiver safety alike, and at the same time, we had just learned of a proposed mega-merger between Kroger and Albertsons that threatened layoffs, store closures, and higher prices. 2023 was shaping up to be a big year.
UFCW 3000 members working in health care, grocery stores, food processing plants, retail businesses, and many other industries are fundamentally linked to the communities we work and live in. We are the essential workers that our communities depend on every day. That is why the challenges we face, like ferocious corporate greed that under-staffs us to make huge record profits, or the extreme and growing inequality between the wealthiest one percent and everyday working people are not just a problem for our workplaces —they are problems for our entire community. Greed and inequality are also underlying and insidious drivers of systemic racism and sexism —pitting us against each other, while an economic appetite of extraction and churn threatens the future of humanity itself. These toxic realities of greed and inequity also threaten our most cherished aspirations of democracy, freedom, and a better life for the next generation.

If together, as organized workers and communities, we want to fight back and build a better future, we are going to have to face these challenges head-on. While we recognize we still have a lot of problems and a lot of work to do to make things better in 2024, we also think it is important to celebrate the fact that we have been a leader in our region and around the nation —attacking these problems, making an impact, and being part of the movement to turn things around for the better.

Here’s a snapshot of some of our accomplishments from 2023, our wins as a collective union of workers in action. 

In 2023...

  • We won important reforms at our UFCW International Convention and began the much-needed campaign for greater reforms in the future. Learn more about our local's fight to bring democracy to the UFCW >>

  • We joined the 'year of strikes' when thousands of UFCW 3000 members voted to authorize ULP strikes: The nurses at Providence Everett and workers at Macy’s in Southcenter, Alderwood, and Bellingham went on strike in 2023. Both strikes were joined by hundreds of community supporters while thousands signed petitions in support of these striking workers.
    Providence strike recap video >> 
    Macy's strike recap video >>

  • We passed a Safer Staffing Law! Working in a first of its kind in the region, a coalition with SEIU Healthcare1199NW, WSNA and UFCW 3000 worked to pass the historic ESSB 5236 Safe Staffing legislation that will take steps towards ensuring safer hospital staffing levels across WA. Learn more about the Safe Staffing legislation >>

  • We opened a new Union Hall in Des Moines! After completing the sale of our flagship office of over 20 years in Seattle to the Seattle Labor Temple, we held an open house in our brand new union hall in Des Moines. This new location will save money, be more accessible to members (it is located on the new Light Rail route), and be a gathering space for members. Learn more about UFCW 3000 office locations >>

  • Our elected Executive Board made of rank-and-file members adopted a powerful new 5-year strategic plan to guide our union and prioritize our work until 2028. Learn more about the Strategic Five Year Plan >>

  • Our Executive Board also helped begin a national call from labor unions for a ceasefire in Gaza. Learn more about the petition for peace >>

  • Had fun! Thousands of members and their families attended UFCW 3000’s summer events at Wild Waves in Federal Way, WA, and Silverwood in Idaho. Save the date for the next Summer Picnics at the Park: Silverwood is August 6 and Wild Waves is August 8.

  • Union member bargaining teams won 8 first-time contracts and ratified 30 new contracts with higher wages, improved benefits and better working conditions.

  • Held off the grocery store mega-merger by being instrumental in building a national coalition of unions that includes UFCW locals 5, 7, 324, 400, 770, 1564 and 3000 and community groups including 55 from our own region to oppose the Kroger and Albertsons mega-merger. We have successfully lobbied —through data, testimony, and evidence to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) who has recently ruled in our favor and decided to reject this proposed mega-merger! Learn more about efforts to stop the mega-merger >>

  • In 2023 we organized hundreds of new members! New organizing wins from determined organizing committees both big and small resulted in hundreds of new members joining our union. Welcome Ferry County, Downtown Dog Lounge, REI Bellingham, MultiCare Auburn Pros, and Fred Meyer Port Orchard General Merchandise, and our first Cannabis producer contract at Mfused, who won a standard-setting contract in the cannabis industry.

  • People powered politics in action: Our member-led endorsement committee interviewed 57 candidates for local office. 68 members participated in our Political Action Advisory Committee and were able to help win a new just cause standard for grocery store workers around retail theft. Learn more about our People-Powered Politics agenda >>

  • The Essential Workers Organizing Academy is up and running! The program was broken up into three distinct phases: training, internal organizing, and external organizing/preparing for strikes. Apprentice organizers supported on campaigns that included Macy’s, Bartell Drugs, Fred Meyer, PCC, Providence Everett, as well as political and community projects. Congratulation to the first EWOA graduating class of 2023! Learn more about EWOA >>

  • Enforced our rights: Together as members, stewards, and union Reps we work hard to ensure members’ rights are protected and that the process is transparent, and management is held accountable to our members, our contract, and the law. In 2023 we had to file 182 grievances against management that could not be resolved at the worksite level. 

  • Got the training to empower ourselves: Over 300 members participated in a union training in 2023. These trainings included topics like Weingarten training and enforcement, Leaders in Action, New Member Meetings, Grievance Training, Retirement Seminars, and more. Learn more about upcoming union trainings >>

  • No union should be an island. We support others in their struggles and UFCW 3000 attended strikes, showed solidarity and gave other support for Starbucks Workers United in Washington and around the nation.

And in 2024 we’ll fight for even more.

UFCW 3000 Podcast Episode 11: Our Union and Politics

How and why does a union engage with politics? What's the "people power" we talk about in "people-powered politics"? Michaela talks with UFCW 3000 political organizer Derrick about the power of union members taking an active role in local and state elections and in politics beyond elections. Washington State legislature is now in session, and while this was recorded before the recent elections, it's also about all the work that UFCW 3000 members will now be doing to hold those elected lawmakers accountable! They discuss the potential corporate grocery mega-merger that our local is fighting against, and at the end of the episode you'll hear from longtime grocery worker and UFCW 3000 member Naomi speaking out at a press conference about that merger. Learn more about our political advocacy work, our 2024 legislative agenda, how to register to vote, and more at our website: Our Winter General Membership Meetings, also discussed here, are also coming up! Find your local quarterly meeting at:

UFCW 3000 union shop steward Michaela is always ready to answer fellow members’ questions about their union. She’s also a devoted murder podcast listener. Put those interests together, and she decided to start a union podcast to get all her coworkers’ questions and her own questions answered, and to meet as many people as possible who could share what it means to be a part of UFCW 3000. (No murder on this podcast, only solidarity!)

*The information shared on this podcast is offered by rank and file union member leaders of UFCW 3000. There may be inaccuracies or misstatements shared, as members will be speaking from the lenses of their perspectives and life experiences. While members are doing their best to share good information, we can make no claims to 100% accuracy and this podcast should not be construed as legal advice.

Your Rights During Flooding and Extreme Weather Events

Once again UFCW 3000 members and communities are facing some extreme fall and winter weather, including recent flooding. It is important to remember that if you, your family, or your coworkers have been affected by extreme weather, you have rights at work, resources through your union, and the support of your community.

Important rights and resources for UFCW 3000 members if your workplace, home, or transportation routes are flooded or evacuated:

  1. Just cause protections at work: With a union contract, you have “just cause” protection, meaning you should not be disciplined at work for reasonably having to deal with a circumstance outside of your control like a flood that affects your home, work, or commute to work

    • Be clear in communicating with your employer if you are unable to report to work on time or at all due to flooding or other extreme weather

    • Make sure to invoke your right to union representation if you are called into a meeting that could lead to discipline (we call these “Weingarten Rights,” read more here)

  2. The right to a safe workplace: If you feel unsafe at work, report any safety concerns to your worksite safety committee & management right away, and get support from your Shop Steward and/or Union Rep if your concerns are not addressed

  3. Union resources: If your home or work is affected by flooding or extreme weather and financial assistance would help, speak with your Union Rep about the UFCW 3000 Membership Assistance Fund

  4. Mutual aid: As union members, we know standing together and supporting each other is how we really make a difference. If you have ideas for ways to connect with or support fellow UFCW 3000 members in need, talk to a Shop Steward and/or your Union Rep for help with organizing

Extreme weather is dangerous in our workplaces and our communities, which is why UFCW 3000 members, including our Climate Justice Advisory Board, work for climate policies that will help protect us and our future health.

C.C. Filson Vote Passes!

Layoff Severance And Amendments to Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Vote Passes!

If you were affected by the layoff and want more information regarding unemployment UFCW 3000 will be holding a meeting on December 7 from 10am-3pm at the UFCW 3000 Des Moines office, 23040 Pacific Hwy S. Suite 101 Des Moines, WA 98198-7268.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call Union Rep Jose Veliz @ 360-409-0615.

C.C. Filson - Layoff severance and amendments to Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Vote

C.C. Filson
Layoff severance and amendments to Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Vote

Last week, we met with Filson’s regarding the upcoming layoff of 25 Manufacturing positions. We reached a tentative agreement that includes severance pay and extends the timeframe for healthcare benefits. Additionally, Filson’s had proposed some amendments to Article 12 to eliminate the Productivity Bonus Pay. We were able to get Filson’s to accelerate the February 1, 2024 wage increases, and provide an additional wage increase for all employees effective April 1, 2024.

We will be holding a vote to allow all members an opportunity to vote on the proposed MOU (Memorandum of Agreement) regarding the layoffs as well as the proposed amendments to the contract.

Vote Details

Monday, November 27
C.C. Filson break room, 6111 S 228th Street, Kent, WA 98032

All the details of the proposed amendments will be available at the meeting.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call Union Rep Jose Veliz @ 360-409-0615.

Newly elected Executive Board members are sworn in!

UFCW 3000 is a union that runs on democracy. Our Executive Board of over 40 members like you, and our union's top three officers (President, Secretary Treasurer, and Recorder), are all elected by the membership. Similarly, each member gets the opportunity to vote on their contract, which governs their wages, benefits, and working conditions.
On Tuesday, October 24, the top officers, President Faye Guenther, Secretary Treasurer Joe Mizrahi and Recorder Maria Milliron, and the rest of the Executive Board were sworn in to a new term. Under their leadership, our union is helping to lead the way in partnering with many other locals, community organizations, elected officials, and others to advance our rights and benefits and improve and enforce laws at the local, state, and federal levels. We are also excited and looking forward to pursuing the goals in our UFCW 3000 Strategic Plan for building a stronger union. 

Kim Cordova, President of UFCW Local 7 was our special guest to help with the swearing-in process. Local 7 and Local 3000 have been staunch allies through many fights and we thank Kim for helping us out! 

Get to know our elected Executive Board members >>

CC Filson Layoffs Update

On Wednesday, October 18, we had a meeting with Filson's representatives to discuss their recent announcement of a workforce reduction.

During the meeting, the Employer presented their rationale for the decision to outsource manufacturing to a third party. They also shared their initial proposal, which included severance pay and some amendments to the current collective bargaining agreement.

In response, we requested additional information and are continuing discussions regarding severence and healthcare coverage options for those affected by the layoffs.

Our next meeting with the company is scheduled for Thursday, October 26. We will continue to keep you updated throughout this process. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to your union representative, Jose Veliz at 360-409-0615.

UFCW 3000 Podcast Episode 8: So what's a union rep anyway?

I know I have a Union Rep, but who are they? What do they do? And what are my "Weingarten Rights" again? Michaela sits down with her Union Rep, Brandan, to hear more about his role and discuss rights on the job, meetings with management, and the many ways members can be involved in enforcing their contract and supporting each other. || UFCW 3000 members: you can look up your union contract and your Union Rep at

UFCW 3000 union shop steward Michaela is always ready to answer fellow members’ questions about their union. She’s also a devoted murder podcast listener. Put those interests together, and she decided to start a union podcast to get all her coworkers’ questions and her own questions answered, and to meet as many people as possible who could share what it means to be a part of UFCW 3000. (No murder on this podcast, only solidarity!)

*The information shared on this podcast is offered by rank and file union member leaders of UFCW 3000. There may be inaccuracies or misstatements shared, as members will be speaking from the lenses of their perspectives and life experiences. While members are doing their best to share good information, we can make no claims to 100% accuracy and this podcast should not be construed as legal advice.

2023 Wildfire and Smoke Information for Workers

As our region again faces wildfire season, wildfires and wildfire smoke may affect us in the workplace and at home. Below are important things to know to stay safe and enforce your rights at work. Here are the most important actions to care for yourself and your coworkers during wildfire season:

  1. Report any safety concerns to your worksite safety committee & management right away, and get support from your Shop Steward and/or Union Rep if your concerns are not addressed.

  2. Get accommodations if needed and exercise your rights—use your sick leave if you become unwell; speak with a health care provider and use FMLA or exercise your disability rights under the ADA if you have a health condition that makes you vulnerable to wildfire smoke.

  3. If your home or work is affected by wildfire and financial assistance would help, speak with your Union Rep about the UFCW 3000 Membership Assistance Fund.

Your Rights During Wildfires

If your workplace, home, or family are evacuated, burned, or otherwise affected by active wildfires:

With a union contract, you have “just cause” protection, meaning you should not be disciplined at work for reasonably having to deal with a circumstance outside of your control like a wildfire that affects your home, work, or commute to work

Workplace Safety for Wildfire Smoke

You have the right to a safe workplace, and if wildfire smoke makes your workplace unhealthy for you, you should be able to address that with your employer and get support from your Shop Steward and/or Union Rep.


  • You can wear a respirator mask at work that helps protect you against wildfire smoke.

  • Most masks we wear to protect against COVID do not actually protect against wildfire smoke. The right mask to protect against wildfire smoke is an N95 mask or other respirator with the same or higher level of protection. These respirator masks should have two straps and the word “NIOSH” and/or “N95” or “N100” printed on it.


  • When the air is smoky, your employer should allow workers to follow basic steps that will help prevent excessive exposure to wildfire smoke—that could include things like reassigning workers to less smoky areas or allowing for extra rest and water breaks away from smoky work areas.


  • If you or a family member gets sick because of wildfire smoke, you have the right to use Paid Sick & Safe Leave for illness

  • You may also be able to use your Paid Sick & Safe Leave if your child’s school or place of care, or your worksite has been shut down by a public official due to health-related reasons resulting from exposure to wildfire smoke

  • If you are vulnerable to smoky air due to an existing medical condition, talk to your health care provider about your workplace and see if they have recommendations for how to keep you safe from smoke exposure. Use FMLA if needed, or exercise your disability rights under the ADA.

You have the right to enforce your Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)

As a member of UFCW3000 you have the right to enforce your Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). Your CBA is a legally binding agreement between your Union and the Employer.

Collective bargaining agreements, or contracts, may define a grievance in several ways. A grievance is a legal process where your union can make an objection to the Employer when it is determined that the company may have violated your CBA. Many contract grievance procedures make it possible to grieve violations of state, municipal and federal law, company rules or policies, unfair or disparate treatment of workers, and “past practice”. Look at your contract to find the definition of a grievance as it applies in your workplace. If the terms of the CBA are violated, you can work with your union representative to investigate and determine if filing a grievance is appropriate.

 If you wish the Union to assist you in filing a grievance, you must have a conversation about the alleged CBA violation with a UFCW 3000 union representative. This could be your Union Representative for your work location, or this could be a Member Resource Center Representative. In order to make sure UFCW 3000 has all the information necessary to initiate the grievance process, grievances will only be accepted through a conversation in person or over the phone. Grievances will not be accepted through any other forms of communication, including but not limited to email, text message, and online communication through platforms like Facebook, and Twitter.

Member Resource Center (MRC) Representative not only assist in determining whether the Employer has violated the CBA, but when a grievance is filed, they will assist in the processing of the grievance. The grievance process includes step meetings with the Employer where the parties attempt to resolve any dispute. In some cases, arbitration is necessary when the grievance is not resolved or withdrawn. You must file and advance a grievance based on timelines within your contract. If you miss a timeline your grievance may not be able to be filed. If you think your contract has been violated, contact the MRC immediately to avoid missing a timeline.

If you believe your CBA has been violated, please contact the UFCW Member Resource Center at 1-866-210-3000.

"The MRC has helped me tremendously during a very tough time being an advocate for my family health issues and as a health care employee at the same time!"- Susan Mayer, Cook at St. Michael’s Medical Center

“I have been working with QFC for over 23 years and found out I needed help from our union.  The union came up to bat for me and helped me so much through the grievance process.  From the support of my coworkers and customers I am back to work.”- Phonesith Keopanya, Checker, QFC #819



Our Bargaining Team:

Eli Rivera, Terry Truong Nguyen

After 7 months of negotiations, members at ALSCO Linen overwhelmingly voted YES to approve the new contract with ALSCO.

The new contract includes:

  • Historic wage increases

  • Shortened eligibility time for health insurance

  • Improved and secured pension

  • Reinstated seniority and vacation accruals to workers who were affected by covid layoffs

  • Sick leave payout option

  • First ever Union Leave language

  • Increased timelines for grievance process

Questions about the contract? Or want to continue to help build a stronger union?

Join us for an online training on Tuesday, April 4, 2023 where we will review our basic contractual and legal rights as union members and learn about special rights that apply when we are acting as Shop Stewards.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Use the QR code to register online, or contact your union representative to sign up!

Alsco Linen - Tentative Agreement Reached—Vote Scheduled!

We have reached a tentative agreement with ALSCO. When we first started bargaining, our goal was to win competitive wage increases, maintain our healthcare, improve our pension and to reinstate seniority and vacation accruals prior to covid layoffs.

We continued pushing the Company and were finally able to settle on competitive wages, maintained our health insurance with improved eligibility, and improved and secured our retirement.

Other wins include:

  • Improved layoff language

  • Reinstated seniority and vacation accruals to those affected by covid layoffs

  • Improved New Employee Orientation language

  • First ever Union Leave language

  • Increased timelines for grievance process

  • Sick leave payout option

  • New improved vacation payout

  • An additional floating holiday for workers hired after 2019

We will be going over the details of the agreement during our in-person vote! Join us:

Tuesday, February 28

2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Breakroom at ALSCO

The Bargaining Committee is recommending a YES vote!

UFCW 3000 members in good standing are encouraged to attend a meeting, ask questions, and vote on the contract. Contact a Bargaining Committee member or your Union Representative for any questions.

ALSCO - Strike Vote - Enough is enough

Enough is enough

We have been at the bargaining table since September 2022. During this time, we have told ALSCO that employees must work two jobs to make ends meet and many employees are considering leaving ALSCO for higher paying jobs and jobs with safer working conditions.

ALSCO continues to propose increases to our health insurance, below market wage increases, and refuses to improve our retirement pension. Enough is enough! We are committed to bargaining in good faith, but we believe it is time to take action so ALSCO understands we are unwilling to agree to their current proposals.

On February 23, we will be voting to authorize a strike unless ALSCO proposes a fair contract which we can ratify on February 21, our next bargaining session.

ALSCO, do better by your employees. We deserve a fair and competitive contract.

Strike Vote
Join coworkers and vote to authorize a strike.

Thursday, February 23

Hampton Inn Kent - Mt. Rainier Conference Room, 21109 - 66th Ave S., Kent, WA 98032

Aramark - We have reached a tentative agreement! It’s time to vote! ¡Hemos llegado a un acuerdo tentativo! ¡Es hora de votar!

After months of bargaining, we were able to reach a tentative agreement with Aramark. We were able to win competitive wage increases and slowdown the increase to health insurance premiums. We will be holding a contract vote at all three Aramark plants next week.  UFCW 3000 members in good standing are encouraged to attend a meeting, ask questions, and vote on the contract. Contact a Bargaining Team member or your Union Representative for any questions.

Your bargaining committee is recommending a “YES” vote! 

Wednesday, January 25

  • Aramark Kent breakroom from 9am to 11am 

  • Aramark Tacoma breakroom from 11am to 12pm 

Thursday January 26

  • Aramark Everett breakroom from 9am to 11am 

Después de meses de negociación, pudimos llegar a un acuerdo tentativo con Aramark. Pudimos ganar aumentos salariales competitivos y disminuir el aumento a las deducciones del seguro médico. Tendremos un voto para el contrato en las tres plantas de Aramark la próxima semana. Miembros de UFCW 3000 que están al día con sus cuotas de Unión pueden asistir una reunión, hacer preguntas y votar sobre el contrato. Póngase en contacto con un miembro del Equipo de Negociación o su Representante del Sindicato para cualquier duda.

¡Su comité de negociación está recomendando un voto “SÍ”!

Miércoles 25 de enero

  • Aramark Kent comedor de 9am a 11am

  • Aramark Tacoma comedor de 11am a 12pm

Jueves 26 de enero

  • Aramark Everett comedor de 9am a 11am

ALSCO Linen We believe it is time that ALSCO hears our voice!

Alsco Linen

We believe it is time that ALSCO hears our voice!

We have been bargaining with ALSCO Linen since September 2022. During that time, we have won improvements to layoff language, access to new employee orientation, extension to the grievance timeline, and reinstatement of seniority to previously laid off employees during COVID.

We have not been able to reach an agreement on several items including wage increases and benefits. ALSCO continues to propose below market wage increases, passing on health insurance premium costs to workers, and refuses to improve the retirement pension.

We believe it is time that ALSCO hears our voice! We want a safe workplace and want management to show their appreciation for our hard work.

We will be voting on ALSCO’s last proposal on January 17.

We are recommending a “NO” vote.

Tuesday, January 17 from 1pm to 5pm

at 21109 66th Ave S, Kent, WA 98032

Chúng tôi tin rằng đã đến lúc ALSCO lắng nghe tiếng nói của chúng tôi!

Chúng tôi đã thương lượng với ALSCO Linen kể từ tháng 9 năm 2022. Trong thời gian đó, chúng tôi đã có được những cải thiện về việc thông báo sa thải, tiếp cận định hướng nhân viên mới, gia hạn thời gian khiếu nại và phục hồi thâm niên cho những nhân viên đã bị sa thải trước đó trong đại dịch COVID.

Chúng tôi đã không thể đạt được thỏa thuận về việc tăng lương, trợ cấp hưu trí hoặc bảo hiểm y tế. ALSCO tiếp tục đề xuất tăng lương dưới mức thị trường, chuyển phí bảo hiểm y tế cho người lao động và từ chối cải thiện mức lương hưu.

Chúng tôi tin rằng đã đến lúc ALSCO lắng nghe tiếng nói của chúng tôi! Chúng tôi sẽ không chấp nhận các đề xuất về tiền lương, lương hưu hoặc bảo hiểm y tế của họ.

Chúng tôi sẽ bỏ phiếu cho đề xuất cuối cùng của ALSCO vào ngày 17 tháng 1. Chúng tôi đề nghị bỏ phiếu “KHÔNG”.

Thứ ba, ngày 17 tháng 1, từ 1:00 đến 5:00

chiều 21109 66th Ave S, Kent, WA 98032