Lourdes Counseling Center - Per Diem - Tentative agreement reached

Lourdes Counseling Center - Per Diem
Tentative agreement reached

There will be a vote for all per diem employees to review and vote on our new contract Tuesday, April 18 @ 11am—1pm in the large conference room.

Our contract includes job security, guaranteed wage increases each year, grievance process, and more!

All documents will be available at the vote and Union Reps will be there to answer any questions you may have.

QUESTIONS? Please contact Union Rep Juanita Quezada @ 509-340-7407.

Lourdes Counseling Center - Per Diem Update

After months of work and dedication put towards getting the per diem employees recognized as fellow union members, we have won our election! With a near unanimous vote, the per diems have officially elected to join with UFCW 21 and their fellow coworkers!

We appreciate all of the time and effort that everyone has put into this, and are grateful to all of the leaders that stepped up in getting this accomplished.

Lourdes Medical Center - Tentative Agreement Reached on First Contract for Service and Maintenance Employees—Vote Scheduled

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After nearly a year of bargaining and late into the night—on Tuesday, July 13—your bargaining team has a fully recommended tentative agreement that includes significant wage increases over a 4 year contract and an avenue to have our voices heard in the workplace. 

Please join your bargaining team in the Carondelet room at Lourdes Medical Center at the contract offer vote on July 23 at any of the following times: 

6AM - 8AM

2PM - 4PM

6PM - 8PM

Your Bargaining team is recommending a “YES” vote!

If you have any questions, contact your bargaining team, or Union Representative Austen Louden 509-340-7372.

A complete contract offer will be available for you to review and ask questions at the vote.

Your Bargaining Team:

Isabella Amaro, NAC

Juanita Quezada, HUC/NAC

Aurora Lopez, ED Coordinator

Jordan Aviles, NAC

Maria Hinojosa, Central Processing

Sam Zoller, NAC

Lourdes Counseling Center - First Contract Ratified

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On July 7, the Lourdes Counseling Center employees unanimously voted to ratify their first contract with LifePoint. After 14 months of bargaining, leafletting, picketing, and strike votes, we finally came to a tentative agreement that we were able to confidently bring forward to membership with a recommended yes vote.  

The contract includes fair wages and benefits and the tools to build a safe and healthy working environment.  This could not have been done without the hard work and dedicated leadership of the bargaining team, along with the overwhelming solidarity of their coworkers and fellow union members.  

This is the beginning of a new era at LCC, and a foundation for the membership to build off of in years to come. 

Bargaining Team:
Jordan Cox, RN
Pam Garland, RN
Paul Knighten, MHC

If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to your Bargaining Team or Union Rep Austen Louden @ 509-340-7372

Lourdes Counseling Center - Tentative Agreement Reached! Contract Vote Scheduled

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After over a year of bargaining—and late into the night on Friday, June 25—your bargaining team has a fully recommended tentative agreement that includes significant wage increases over a 4 year contract and an avenue to have our voices heard in the work place. 

Please join your bargaining team at the contract offer vote on July 7 from 8AM - 10AM, and 2PM - 5PM in the large conference room. 

Your Bargaining team is recommending a YES Vote.

If you have any questions, contact your bargaining team or Union Representative Austen Louden @ 509-340-7372.

A complete contract offer will be available for you to review and ask questions at the vote.

Lourdes Counseling Center - United We Win, Divided We Beg

Our Bargaining Team met with the Employer on Friday, June 11, for a long session. This is the first time in bargaining that the Employer has appeared to want to continue bargaining outside of "banker's hours" to get a contract.

We received an improved wage scale counter by the Employer that would give current employees slightly better placement than what the Employer had proposed prior. Before we can accept a wage scale, we need more information that takes into consideration annual increased steps, COLA, etc. We expect the Employer to present this at the time of our next bargaining session on June 25.

Our Bargaining Team:

Jordan Cox, RN
Pam Garland, RN
Paul Knighten, MHC

Please reach out to our Bargaining Team or Union Rep Austen Louden (509) 340-7369 with any questions or concerns.

Lourdes Counseling Center - We Said “Yes” to Strike Authorization and “No” to the Employer’s Proposal

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On Thursday, May 13, the bargaining unit gave strike authorization with a super majority vote and voted “No” on the proposed contract from the employer.

The next day your bargaining team met with the employer and spent much of the day bargaining over if charge nurses are in a supervisory role.

On Monday, May 17, the bargaining team met with the employer again and spent the day bargaining wages.

While the employer’s proposal is still not what we think is acceptable, it is the first time in bargaining that the employer gave way to place current employees on the new wage scale with some recognition for service at Lourdes Counseling Center.

This is a substantial move and are hoping for continued movement in the right direction.

Please contact your bargaining team or your Representative, Austen Louden at (509) 340-7372 with any questions or concerns.

Lourdes Counseling Center- Important Vote Scheduled

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After a year of negotiations, the employer continues to neglect the needs of its employees. The Employer has continued to refuse to fairly compensate employees, recognize Charge RNs desires to be part of the Bargaining Unit, and pay employees overtime for work performed beyond their daily shifts as it does for other represented employees at the hospital. We continue to fight for just compensation including a fair placement on the new wage scale for existing employees that recognizes their experience with Lourdes.

Our last bargaining date was April 30, and due to the lack of movement from the Employer, it was determined by our committee that it is time for a STRIKE AUTHORIZATION vote. Therefore, at the date, times, and location set forth, we will be holding a contract ratification and strike authorization vote.

Our Bargaining Team is recommending:
NO Vote on the Employer’s latest Contract Proposal
YES Vote for a Strike Authorization

Now is the time to make your voices heard. Come to a vote meeting to review the full details of the employers proposed contract, get questions answered, and vote.

Join the Contract Ratification and Strike Authorization Vote Meeting
Thursday, May 13
8 am - 10:30 am
2 pm - 5 pm

Courtyard by Marriott Richland Columbia Point
Fairway Boardroom
480 Columbia Point Drive
Richland, WA 99352

These votes are open to all Represented workers at Lourdes Counseling Center. Employees must be present at whichever time is most convenient in order to cast your vote.

If you have any questions, please contact our Bargaining Team members or your Union Rep Austen Louden at 509-340-7372.

Lourdes Counseling Center Contract Vote

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After a year of negotiations, the employer continues to neglect the needs of their employees. The employer has continued to refuse to recognize Charge RNs as part of the Bargaining Unit. We continue to fight for Compensation including a fair placement on the new wage scale for existing employees that recognizes their experience with Lourdes as well as Daily Overtime which is a staple in most Union Contracts.

Our next bargaining date is April 30, 2021 and will determine if there is a need for an additional vote.

Now is the time to make your voices heard. Come to a vote meeting to review the full details of the employers proposed contract, get questions answered, and vote.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

» 8:00 am – 10:00 am
» 1:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Hampton Inn Richland
486 Bradley Boulevard
Richland WA 99352

These votes are open to all Represented workers at Lourdes Counseling Center. Employees must be present at whichever time is most convenient in order to cast your vote. If you have any questions, please contact your Union Representative Austen Louden at 509-340-7372.

Lourdes Counseling Center - Bargaining Update - March 8

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Our Union Bargaining Team made an aggressive comprehensive counter proposal to the Employer’s most recent proposal in an attempt to make considerable progress. The Employer was not ready to respond but we are looking forward to a counter proposal at the next bargaining session on March 19. We have scheduled two additional bargaining dates prior to our final contract vote. 

Thank you all who came out on Monday, March 1 for our picket! Great showing!  

Please reach out to your Bargaining Team with any questions or concerns or contact your Union Representative Austen Louden @ 509-340-7372 

Lourdes United - Standing United for a Fair Contract

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We will be holding an informational picket for safety, competitive wages, and a fair contract for Lourdes Counseling Center and Lourdes Medical Center.

Info Picket
March 1, 2021
3:30 PM until 5:30 PM
520 N. 4th Avenue, Pasco WA

Lourdes Counseling Center and Lourdes Medical Center have each had 10 bargaining sessions and the employer has not moved until just recently when our action have ramped up. 

We need to continue pressure with United actions.

Now is the time to show LifePoint we are United.

LifePoint, we are tired of carrying you on our backs!

Please join one of our Zoom meeting on February 24 for more information. Contact one of your bargaining team members or your Union Rep Austen Louden at 509-340-7372 for any questions or concerns.

Join Our Update Meeting on Wednesday, February 24!

Contact your Bargaining Team or Union Rep for call-in details.

Lourdes Counseling Center - 100% “No” Vote! Current Workplace Conditions are Unacceptable

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100% of full time and part-time staff who voted on February 8 unanimously voted “NO”. We are all in agreement that the current workplace conditions are unacceptable as are the proposals the employer has taken over 8 months to put forth.

We had at the vote a new “strike pledge” petition, indicating to the employer that the vast majority of us will stand united in the event that a strike is necessary to obtain a more favorable contract. Those of you in the bargaining unit that were unable to attend the vote will be approached by bargaining team representative to get your commitment to our pledge.

We want to reiterate that this is NOT a strike authorization. This is a pledge to strike at a later date if it comes to that. These pledges can be very powerful in negotiations. We would hold a strike authorization vote if it becomes necessary.

Our next bargaining date with the employer is scheduled for Friday, February 19 and we look forward to presenting both our unanimous “NO” vote on the contract offer as well as a robust strike pledge petition.

If you have stories about workplace assaults, safety concerns, inadequate staffing levels, high patient to staff ratios, etc... We want to hear them! Please email your stories as the union is ramping up the media campaign. The unsafe workplace at Lourdes Counseling Center will be exposed.

We will be organizing a coordinated informational picket with the bargaining unit at Lourdes Medical Center (they, too, are bargaining with LifePoint/Lourdes). This approach will hopefully be a catalyst to get deals done at both tables. Please look for further details on this action.

Again, thank you for your showing your support to our union by taking a few minutes out of your day to vote as well as to the staff who were present during the voting times.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact one of your bargaining team members or your Union Representative Austen Louden at 509-340-7372 or Alounden@ufcw21.org

Lourdes Counseling Center - Lifepoint is Stalling

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Lifepoint indicated to us that they will be attempting to eliminate the RN’s holiday pay premium at Lourdes Medical Center during their next bargain which is their rationale for not extending this double time premium for those working the actual holiday to our bargaining unit. We will be leafleting at Lourdes Medical Center next Tuesday, December 22, 2020 from 3:30-5:30 PM. We will be targeting nurses among others, letting them know that Lifepoint is coming for them next. The theme for this leafletting is “How Lourdes Stole Christmas.” Come get your picture taken with the Grinch!

We have worked hard at the bargaining table, but we are finding ourselves picketing and leafletting in mid-December due to the employers refusal to recognize safety and fair wages. We realize this is the week of Christmas, but we need to keep applying pressure on the employer. We wanted a fair contract far before now but unfortunately the employer has chosen to stall, delay, and prolong the inevitable all in an attempt to test the strength of our unity. 

Great showing from everyone at the pickets on December 14! Thank you to the staff who participated, including your friends and families in attendance. We also had support from a LMC RNs and Teamsters at the evening session. Morning crew—you knocked it out of the park with your interviews. It truly takes a village.

Please reach out to your bargaining team for more information or contact your Union Representative Austen Louden: 509-340-7371, Alouden@UFCW21.org

Our Bargaining Team: Jordan Cox, Pam Garland, Paul Knighten, Tim Orr

Lourdes Counseling Center-Continuing to bargain

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Our Bargaining Team: Jordan Cox RN, Pam Garland RN, Paul Knighten MHC, Tim Orr MHC

The turnout this past Wednesday for the leaflet action was great! Thank you for your involvement.

Our Bargaining Committee met with the employer this past Friday for another session. We’re planning to resolve the majority of non-economic proposals this week, so we can focus exclusively on wages. To accomplish this, we will be requesting assistance from a Federal Mediator.

Our next action will require even greater numbers than the leafletting action. Please continue your involvement by joining the CAT Zoom meeting on December 9 where we will discuss the next action in specific detail. Without divulging too much information, it will require maximum involvement from co-workers, friends, and families.

We’re nearing the finish line--stay strong.

Join our online CAT Meeting!
Wednesday, December 9
5 PM via Zoom

Contact your Bargaining Team or Union Rep for call-in details.

Stay up to date: Lourdes Counseling Facebook Page

If you have any questions, please contact your Union Rep Austen Louden @ 509-340-7372

Lourdes Counseling Center - Continuing to Bargain

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We met with Management again on Friday, November 6 and were able to get a few agreements, but Management continues to refuse to negotiate Economics until the non-economics are finished.

Although we were able to make significant progress on Safety, wages remain a top priority.

Please reach out to your bargaining team to stay informed on continuing negotiations and how you can be part of building our negotiation strength. Contact your Union Representative Austen Louden at 509-340-7372 or alouden@ufcw21.org with any questions or concerns.

Our Bargaining Team: Jordan Cox, Pam Garland, Paul Knighten, Tim Orr

Lourdes Counseling Center - Safe Working Conditions and Fair Wages are Top Priorities

After bargaining for months, Management commits to engage in making a safe work environment but has no plan. We continue to bargain for safe working conditions and fair wages as top priorities.

Our Bargaining Team proposed significant wage increases to account for missed cost of living and longevity increases that have happened throughout the years, but Management came back with an insulting counter. Please continue to show unity by wearing your stickers on October 15 and 16!

Please join the Lourdes Counseling Center facebook page to keep informed on the ongoing negotiation and attend the Contract Action Team meeting on October 19 via ZOOM; contact your Bargaining Team for information!

Our Bargaining Team: Jordan Cox, Pam Garland, Paul Knighten, Tim Orr