Providence Centralia Tech - Slow Progress! Future Action in August!

2021 0720 - Providence Centralia Hospital Update TECH2.jpg

On July 19, we met with Providence for our eleventh bargaining session since October 2020. We were able to reach a tentative agreement on “Definitions” and clarified our weekend work proposal in the “Hours of Work and Overtime” article. We proposed language which would give caregivers the ability to get at least two weekends off in a month. Our intent with this language was misunderstood by Providence, but we have made it clear that we do not want to force caregivers to work more weekends, but instead the language is to give caregivers more weekends off!

Currently Providence has proposed a 2% wage increase and a continuation of their “minimum, midpoint, and maximum” ranges. We looked at surrounding hospitals and other tech union contracts and verified that our wage proposal is extremely reasonable and will bring our wages closer to the market average. 

We told Providence that we believe our proposal is not unreasonable and that we do not agree with their “ranges.” To obtain a longevity wage scale and yearly across the board increase (cost of living increase), we need to continue pressuring Providence. We need the entire unit to sign a strike pledge card so we can show Providence that we will strike if we do not see movement on PTO and wages! 

Our community partners are also signing to support us on the strike line if we end up striking. Please sign onto the strike pledge card online or with a bargaining committee member. We will be holding a contract update meeting on Tuesday, July 27 over Zoom. 

If you have any question please contact your union rep Erin McCoy. Our next bargaining sessions are on July 26, August 2, and August 25. 

In Solidarity, Your Tech Bargaining Team: Jen Mullins, Rad Tech; Verity Olsen, Pharmacy Tech; Kathleen Spencer, RT; Jen Frunz, Mammo Tech 

Contract Update Meeting

Tuesday, July 27


Contact your Bargaining Team or Union Rep for call-in details. Details will be also emailed out.

Sign the Pledge Card!