Retirement Planning Webinar for Union Members

Retirement Planning Webinar for Union Members.jpg

Whether you're just starting your career or reaching that point where you’re ready to relax, planning for retirement can be a daunting process. UFCW 21 members have a great retirement resource in their Sound Retirement pension. Understanding your benefit and how to access it are the keys to successful retirement planning. Your union along with Zenith Administrators is committed to guiding you through your work life and into successful retirement. We will be offering free retirement planning webinar open to all UFCW 21 members who participate in the Sound Retirement pension. Please plan on joining us on one of the date/times. You can register for the webinar by clicking on the link.

Please call your Union Rep for information and to RSVP to a webinar.

Tuesday June 23, 5:00p
Wednesday June 24, 12:00n
Thursday June 25, 6:30P
We will be offering additional dates/times in the future for those unavailable at the dates/times listed above.