UFCW 21 Largest Private Sector Union Endorses Moon for Mayor

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Contact: Joe Mizrahi, Political Director, UFCW 21


Press Release

For Immediate Release: 9/29/2017

UFCW 21 Largest Private Sector Union Endorses Moon for Mayor

UFCW 21 joined together today with three other local unions endorsing Cary Moon for Seattle Mayor. UFCW 21 and Unite Here were new endorsements and SEIU 6 and SEIU 925 had already endorsed Moon.  All together the four unions represent about 20,000 of working women and men in Seattle.

After engaging in a process that included candidate questionnaires, forums, interviews and board discussions-- Cary Moon is the clearly the leader that will share our values as Mayor of Seattle. Jeanette Randall, Safeway worker and UFCW 21 Executive Board member said, “We need Seattle to be an affordable city to live in, with jobs where we can make a decent living. Cary is the candidate who gets that and is going to fight alongside us to make it happen.”

Cary has proven leadership on issues of transportation, housing, and economic equity. She has the right ideas and values to move our city forward, and is not beholden to corporate special interests who oppose our Seattle values. Cary is the clear choice for the working women and men in Seattle and will be a truly great mayor to stand with UFCW 21 members to make our workplaces and communities better.

The Mayor of Seattle, working together with a progressive City Council can and should be a significant force for proactive change to improve the lives of workers in our city that has become far too expensive for far too many, along with unresolved transportation and housing crisis.

UFCW 21 workers helped lead the fight for Paid Sick Leave in Seattle, a $15 minimum wage, and Secure Scheduling for grocery, retail, and food service workers. It is clear that Cary Moon, as Mayor, will join workers in continuing this legacy of raising the bar in Seattle to address the challenges that working women and men in Seattle face every day.

UFCW 21 which represents more than 10,000 health care, grocery store, retailand other workers who live or work in Seattle, and more than 46,000 around the state of Washington. UFCW 21 is the state’s largest private sector local union.